Week Two


The kittens are continuing to grow well this week but we are having a lot of trouble deciding whether these babies are boys and girls!  Normally this becomes clearer as the kittens grow but they really aren't helping us this time!  Although I have named the kittens, sexes may change and don't be surprised if Rufus turns into Rufusina!
Emunah is beginning to venture out of the kitten box now and has even been playing on our new cat tree.  She is hungry all the time with feeding her kittens and will go through several pouches of food every day as well as her wet food.  It is important that lactating queens have as much food as they like and lots of high quality food as well so Emunah is having plenty of treats such as chicken and tuna as well as her usual food.
The kittens are much more alert and aware of their surroundings now and are beginning to sit up.  They are also a very noisy bunch who like to shout about everything!

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